It is a common misunderstanding that a diamond’s cut is its shape. The misconception is based on unawareness of the technical jargon and various aspects of gemstone designs. A diamond’s shape and its cuts are two completely discrete aspects of its design. Shape represents the apparent form of the stone. For example, a diamond is pear shaped, heart shaped, round or emerald. The round cut diamond is the most popular amongst the mod admirers of precious gemstones. Contrary to its shape, a diamond’s cut is the measure of proportion in which it reflects the light, generally speaking the sparkle. A diamond's radiance or in fact its light execution is controlled by its cut. One ought to choose a jewel with the most astounding quality cut since this C out of the 4 C's is the most critical in the stone's clear splendour. Nothing is more impactful on a precious stone's brilliance than its cut. A well cut jewel sparkles generally stunningly. On the off chance that the jewel is cut well the light is reflected out of the highest point of the stone, the top, else it escapes from the base, if excessively shallow, and the sides, if the cut is too deep.
GIA grades cut base precisely measuring the angles and sizes of the facets of a diamond. These include the diamond’s Table, Depth, Girdle, Pavilion, Crown and Culet. Polish and Symmetry can also place a small role. All these factors come together to determine the cut grade of the diamond. Each diamond shape and size has an ideal cut proportion. If you're looking for an ideally cut diamond, simply ask one of gemologists and they can point out a few diamond options that have ideal proportions.
Diamond cuts are scaled from lowest to the highest quality determined by the dimension of light reflection from the stone which is basically the stone’s sparkle. It is analysed by experts that the round cut shaped diamonds are the well-cut diamonds in the world and thus, sparkle the most enchantingly. One of the primary reasons that a round cut diamond is selected for solitaires is the perfection in its cut.
The following categories are standard classifications of diamond cuts with the Ideal Cut being the highest quality and the Poor being the lowest. These classification generally termed as the Diamond Cut Grades.
Excellent cut diamonds are diamonds whose symmetry, angles, light reflection, proportions and shine are as perfect as gemstones can be.It is an exceptionally uncommon cut which reflects roughly all the light that enters the precious stone. The Ideal Cut refers to the topmost three percent quality diamond stones.
This cut evaluation is a representation of around fifteen percent of the top quality jewels which reflects just about as much light as falls into the precious stone, one grade lower than the Ideal Cut’s reflection which is almost absolute.
Reflect much lesser light than the Very Good Cut, represents around a quarter of diamonds. In monetary terms the Good Cut diamonds are far less costly than the Very Good Cut ones.
As goes the name the diamonds with this cut are just about reasonable, speaks to thirty five percent of the precious stones. This is the lowest quality cut approved for jewellery, by experts.
Diamonds with the Poor Cut spill all the light which enter them, characterises the lowest grade on the diamond cuts grade scale. This is generally never carved in jewellery for this leaked light deteriorates the sparkle.
Very Good
Precise artistry and workmanship are required to fashion a stone so its proportions, symmetry and polish deliver the magnificent return of light only possible in a diamond. A diamond should be cut proportionally, neither very shallow nor very deep, given its dimensions. A diamond’s cut is its most important characteristics and a measure of its apparent beauty.
The cut will affect the appearance of your stone in three ways.
This is the brightness created by the combination of the white light’s reflections inside and on the surface of the stone. A diamond requires more than just bright light return in order to be brilliant. Thebrillianceconsists of multiple factors based on faceting, and patterns. It also needs contrast, so that the light produced by the diamond appears brighter.Poor light return from a diamond (diamonds that exhibit light leakage) will lack optimal beauty. They will look, darker, duller or lifeless.
The spread of light into all of the colours of the visible spectrum. The way adiamondcatches the light is beautiful and inspiring. Appropriately, there are many ways to describe that effect - Sparkle. Brilliance. Flash. Shine. You’re more likely to see flashes of rainbow colours in a darker, more dimly lit environment that have fewer light sources.
The flashes of light and dark, and the sparkle a diamond emits when the light is moved. Scintillation is a product of movement, meaning that either the diamond, light, or viewer must be in motion to see it. For this to happen there must be enough structural contrast in the facets to bounce light around. Scintillation is most visible in well lit environments.
Diamond Brilliance
Diamond Fire
Diamond Scintillation